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Saturday, June 28, 2008

What Adelynn Means

A is for Arty

D is for Dedicated

E is for Extraordinary

L is for Luscious

Y is for Yummy

N is for Nervy

N is for Neat

What Does Your Name Mean?
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:24 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

hello.. hehe i'm in e computer lab blogging.. lol.. cos @ home my parents dun allow me 2 use e com.. today sch started later @ 8.40am.. yay, so gt longer time 2 sleep @ home..

Anyway sch was not so boring as it seems.

During H.E lesson 2dae.. kumar made me wear dat sari..[wadever u call dat thing] cos i was being sabo-ed.. damn small ah.. cant even fit me.. den everyone else was laughing @ me.. well, i became a laughing stork.. STUPID stupid stupid...

lol.. kk i gotta go le.. may [or may not] blog again during e weekends.. adieu
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 12:38 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sianz.. when sch re-open cannot use computer le.. only allowed 2 use on weekend NIA!!:(.. so only can blog on weekends.. paisei if i din update. kk.. i hv nothing more 2 say.. just enjoy e VERY LAST DAY of sch holiday ok? bye, gotta go cheong homework now.. lolx :P
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 3:42 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lols.. my fren tagged me.. so gt no choice but 2 do, or else... my HEAD will be on e CHOPPING BOARD!

One. Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself. And they've gotta be true.
Two. Come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of believability.
Three. Jumble them all up together and list them in any order.
Four. Post them on your blog and let people guess which the five false ones are!
Five. Get 5 others to do the same. [I dun wan 2 tag ppl le -.-]

1) My birthday is on the 5th of January.
2) I have a scar on my left knee [which is really sad].
3) I was from Yew Tee Primary School.
4) My clique in primary school is known as SAJA.
5) I have 2 rubiks cube at home.
6) My wallet is white.
7) I speak English at home.
8) I don't have a 3rd language.
9) I'm a Christian.
10) I used to go for art course in kindergarten.
11) I love most animals. :D
12) I love slacking sometimes.
13) The last time i saw a rainbow was in sec 1.
14) My favourite subject is Geography.
15) I have the bad habit of peeling my toe nails when they chip off. [and i guess i'm still the same now o.o]
16) I don't listen to music on youtube while doing work.
17) I have 3 pet terrapins.
18) Currently i have 2 siblings.
19) My cca is choir.
20) I still have a pile of homework waiting for me so i don't know why i'm wasting time on this quiz. x.x

YAY. start guessing! DON'T CHEAT K! :D


1) My birthday is on the 5th of January.
I was supposed to be borned on 5rd January, but i guess i came earlier into dis world.. 1 day earlier.. well, u gt it wrong? Nvm, lets move on 2 e nxt question

5) I have 2 rubiks cube at home.
If u noe me well enough, i have 3 rubiks cube at home. Still gt it wrong? Better luck nxt time.

10) I used to go for art course in kindergarten.
When did I since go for art course in kindergarden? Gt dis question wrong again rite? Dis certainly isnt ur day.

14) My favourite subject is Geography.
Yuckkkss, i totally HATE geog mann. My favourite subject is ART. Oh gosh, u keep getting it wrong again.. haha.. time 4 e last one.. see if u can get it rite.

18) Currently i have 2 siblings.
Excuse me, but I only hv ONE sibling.. lol, u gt it WRONG again! Well, i don't think u noe me well enough [or i think i dun noe u]
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:26 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008


1. Do you wish to get married?
#- maybe.. or maybe not.
2.What do you want to do now?
#- play,play, and play even MORE GAMES!!
3. What will you be doing at 6pm?#- er.. playing computer lor.. i only hv 1 pathetic hr nia.. :(
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
#- dunno?? :X
5. Where do you wish to die?
#- anywhere.. except.. for.. ok.. nothing.
6. Will you go for plastic surgery?
#- nope, cos i wont look like myself after dat andi dun wanna be plastic.
7. What are the impossible things you wish to do?
#- yupz.. fly, and maybe get a new handphone now?! I'm in DESPERRATE need of a new 1.. haha >.<
8. Your darkest secret?
#- my darkest secret is... i dun hv any darkest secret dumbos!!
9.Are you happy with your life now?
#- of course.. cherish ur life.
10. What if your crush asked you out?
#- den i go outlor.. lolxx.
11. What will you do when you feel bored?
#- just continue being bored lor??
12. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
#- crazy, weirdo, freako...:D
13. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
#- yup, most..
14. What do I hate most about my life?
#- i dun hate anything lahhxz.
Instructions: Remove one question from above and replace it with your own.Tag 11 people, list them down at the end of the post.Notify them in their chatbox that they've been tagged.
[I dun wanna change queestion.. toolazy]
♥1: Anna♥2: Lakshmi :X♥3: Darrick♥4: Sandra♥5: Angela♥6: Yewrong♥7: Barvani♥8: Yongzu♥9: Shermin♥10: Vania♥11: Cynthia
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:36 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008

HELLOX peeps.. finally im backfrom malacca.. whoo.. damn fun over dere. okayyss, tell u wad.. i will just briefly tell u about it k?

DAY 1-
arrived @ malacca with 2 other families [church frenx].. den ate chicken rice balls.. Yess! Its chicken rice BALLS.. LOLXZ.. hello, dun think sick lahh loser. den went 2 check in.. oh man.. e hotel became soooooo run down le =(.. e water was a bit RUSTY!! And even e boiled water taste like tapwater.. yukks.. seriously.. so had 2 but mineral water..

Den @ nite went 2 watch e incredible hulk @ 11pm.. was ok la.. was very very tired and me n my frens nearly fell asleep lor..

DAY 2-
too lazy to wake up 4 breakfast.. anyway.. dere were 2 coupons nia.. so my bro n dad went down 4 breakfast.. so they da pao some food 4 me n my mum.. [wat yukky breakfast i had.. only had some muffins and 1 bread-.-]

DEn all of us went bowling.. haha, i'm damn noob in bowling lor.. Surprisingly.. my 1st gsme scored 79. 2nd game scored same too.. and believe it or not , i gt 117 4 e 3rd game!!! WTH.. din gt over 100 b4 lor.. [btw i din hv e thingy @ e side.. wadeva u call dat, 2 prevent e ball from going into e longang.]I will post e pic nxt time.. ahaha.

wENT 2 swim 4 short while nia.. dead boring.. 1 slide was closed. sad

again too lazy 2 wake up lolxz.. dis time my parents went down 4 breakfast. my bro n i slept until they came back. nasty breakfast again as usual. den table tennis wif my frens after dat. Keep asking me y din go 4 breakfast. Played bridge, etc[ its using pokka cards fyi ]. den went 2 play boggles... children vs e oldies[adults]. We lost duh.. they all so pro.. soon gt bored..

went 2 watch mr bean in e chidrens' room.. e 1 about mr bean sneezing on e painting n using his hanky 2 wipe off e saliva. His hanky gt some ink.. so spoilt e whole piccy. Poor thing. Den he used THINNER 2 wipe away e ink.. dumbass. U shld noe wad happened after dat..

Went 2 play table tennis only 4 short while den went 2 watch kungfu panda. very funny.. kept laughing nearly throughout e show.. I would rate it 6 out of 5 lolxz. So we all dapao lunch n all went 2 rui wen's room. So e day goes by.. blah blah blah.............

dis time finally went 2 breakfast downstairs cos my parents forced me.. so all of them were oredi dere lor.. my bro n i gave dat *paisei* look.. hahax.

So played abit of table tennis again n 1 of e family had 2 go back.. sad lor Lunch was @ sushi king.. yummy.. After linch my mum brought me 2 buy a blouse... and guess wad.. we played bowling again.. lols!! played 3 games again.. 1st game gt.. Lmao, i 4gt liao. 2nd game gt 100.. full marks haha. 3rd game gt 85.. getting very noob @ bowling le.

DAY 5-
okies, ate breakfast @ e chendol shop.. wah.. we were e 1st customer leh. So checked out @ 12.. bought some pineapple tarts... so ate macs 4 lunch in my dad's car. Just gotta say gdbye 2 malacca.. Wish i could rewind time now.. Bye;0
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:56 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On a child's play thing:)

Anna banana n me!!

Looking through the hole? o.o

okie.. decided 2 blog 4 e last time b4 going 4 holidays

Was supposed 2 meet anna n jy [wifout stupid STUPID Samantha] @ bukit batok 2 go west mall.. Well, i coincidentally met anna banana on e mrt.. lolden we were like so damn crazy cos we din c each other 4 nearly 1 yr liao.

Reached bb n anna tot she was flirting wif another golfish cos we couldnt find her. ahaha.. OMG jy is soo tall now.. didnt noe, like a giant goldfish.. den went 4 lunch @ kfc.. toking crap lah as usual n alot of ppl stared @ us like siao=.=

Banana den bought her stinky deodorant @ west mall dere.. 4got e shop name le.. haha.. den they went 2 my house playground downstairs.. we osotook some random pics. haha i din even noe i dared 2 sit on top of e monkey bar leh.. so .

theywanted 2 go up 2 my house so badly.. so i decided 2 bring them up lor. I shld be more evil nxt time n not let ur in e house.. muahaha.. just kidding lah

Sooo, soonhad 2 say gdbye. sianz nxt gathering only can meet in term 3 september holidays. bye bye. gotta go now k? wth dis is indeed a very very very very long post (2 me cos dis is only my 1st few posts yah)... Lmao :/


I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 5:59 PM

Ok.. i will be going malacca from 12june- 16 june.. haha.. so wun be posting 4 a while. Well, i oredi pack my big n bulky bag 4 e trip n my house is in a total mess..lol. So, gotta go now 4 breakfast. i will die if i dont eat

LMAO.. i feel like changing my blog skin lehh =.=
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 10:59 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Your Personality Is Like Ecstasy

You're usually feeling the love for the world around you - you want to hug everyone.

And while you're usually content to sit back and view the world with wonder...

Sometimes you're world becomes very overwhelming and a little scary.

At your best: You're totally buzzing, and every little thing makes you happy.

What people like about being around you: You're a one person party. Dancing, hugging, tons of smiles!

What people dislike about being around you: Once you're done partying, you're pretty exhausted and depressed.

How addicted people get to you: Not very. Though don't take it personally. They still like you!

What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 2:53 PM

HELLO!!! Dis blog is finally created after soooo looooong. (panting n sweating) Feel free 2 explore my blog yah?? N dun 4get to tag b4 u leave too... okies? Byeeeee!:D
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 2:49 PM