Monday, June 16, 2008

HELLOX peeps.. finally im backfrom malacca.. whoo.. damn fun over dere. okayyss, tell u wad.. i will just briefly tell u about it k?
DAY 1-
arrived @ malacca with 2 other families [church frenx].. den ate chicken rice balls.. Yess! Its chicken rice BALLS.. LOLXZ.. hello, dun think sick lahh loser. den went 2 check in.. oh man.. e hotel became soooooo run down le =(.. e water was a bit RUSTY!! And even e boiled water taste like tapwater.. yukks.. seriously.. so had 2 but mineral water..
Den @ nite went 2 watch e incredible hulk @ 11pm.. was ok la.. was very very tired and me n my frens nearly fell asleep lor..
DAY 2-
too lazy to wake up 4 breakfast.. anyway.. dere were 2 coupons nia.. so my bro n dad went down 4 breakfast.. so they da pao some food 4 me n my mum.. [wat yukky breakfast i had.. only had some muffins and 1 bread-.-]
DEn all of us went bowling.. haha, i'm damn noob in bowling lor.. Surprisingly.. my 1st gsme scored 79. 2nd game scored same too.. and believe it or not , i gt 117 4 e 3rd game!!! WTH.. din gt over 100 b4 lor.. [btw i din hv e thingy @ e side.. wadeva u call dat, 2 prevent e ball from going into e longang.]I will post e pic nxt time.. ahaha.
wENT 2 swim 4 short while nia.. dead boring.. 1 slide was closed. sad
again too lazy 2 wake up lolxz.. dis time my parents went down 4 breakfast. my bro n i slept until they came back. nasty breakfast again as usual. den table tennis wif my frens after dat. Keep asking me y din go 4 breakfast. Played bridge, etc[ its using pokka cards fyi ]. den went 2 play boggles... children vs e oldies[adults]. We lost duh.. they all so pro.. soon gt bored..
went 2 watch mr bean in e chidrens' room.. e 1 about mr bean sneezing on e painting n using his hanky 2 wipe off e saliva. His hanky gt some ink.. so spoilt e whole piccy. Poor thing. Den he used THINNER 2 wipe away e ink.. dumbass. U shld noe wad happened after dat..
Went 2 play table tennis only 4 short while den went 2 watch kungfu panda. very funny.. kept laughing nearly throughout e show.. I would rate it 6 out of 5 lolxz. So we all dapao lunch n all went 2 rui wen's room. So e day goes by.. blah blah blah.............
dis time finally went 2 breakfast downstairs cos my parents forced me.. so all of them were oredi dere lor.. my bro n i gave dat *paisei* look.. hahax.
So played abit of table tennis again n 1 of e family had 2 go back.. sad lor Lunch was @ sushi king.. yummy.. After linch my mum brought me 2 buy a blouse... and guess wad.. we played bowling again.. lols!! played 3 games again.. 1st game gt.. Lmao, i 4gt liao. 2nd game gt 100.. full marks haha. 3rd game gt 85.. getting very noob @ bowling le.
DAY 5-
okies, ate breakfast @ e chendol shop.. wah.. we were e 1st customer leh. So checked out @ 12.. bought some pineapple tarts... so ate macs 4 lunch in my dad's car. Just gotta say gdbye 2 malacca.. Wish i could rewind time now.. Bye;0
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:56 PM