Friday, October 31, 2008

Ok ppl.. its halloween today.. haha. I thought halloween was way over, on friday last week.
lols.. didnt realise until yew rong told me it was TODAY sia!.. So just wanna wish everyone a
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!![sry my spelling's a bit wrong i think]
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 10:23 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Well.. today my family & i went to malaysia to SHOP & shop till i nearly drop..very boring sia.. cos i've been there like so about 100 times.. maybe. ok this is just estimated.Although its bigger than cause way point [much bigger in fact].. i'm so so so sian diao lebut this trip wasnt boring.. cos my parents bought me a new pair of shoes.. !! ;D& we also watched 2 movies- bangkok dangerous & eagle eyeI havent watch movies for dunno how long le.. cos in s'pore the movie tickets too exHaiz.. dunno wad to do now.So yes.. & bye
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 10:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008

Photos from the walk on Sunday & Saturday-

spot the praying mantis

different colours of the bridge


glowing tree??

wow.. dunno wad's this..-.-

me & my bro
me acting spastic

cable car [duh!]
evening sky

on the henderson waves..
my weird bro
how high we were from the bridge
my shadow..
& more clouds..?
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:44 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
update.. update.. update..
i forgot wad to update about.. -_-
ok anw me & my family went to mount faber park [again], henderson waves, hort park, etc etc, woah.. & my legs are so freaking tired..
& i have this abration on my leg.. cos i peeled off the skin.. haha. It was itchy dats why
so its hurting like siao now.. especially when it touches water sia.. =.=
took a lot of photos.. but i will upload it in the next post. Cos too many pics le i guess
Anw.. the trip was fun but tiring.. yesterday i walked for nearly 4h 30mins sia
yes!! obviously my leg nearly broke apart.. but thks gdness it didnt.. muahaha Awww..!!!
i wanna be in 2/2 08' forever man.. oh yah on the last day of school jh even gave mr khoo a bounquet of flower..lols. the class cheered like siao. haha & yes n-e-r-d, i'm able to go for the farewell party.. oks nvrmind..
One word: BOREDOM. Yes.. so i'm going around to tag ppl's blog
actually i already did that. LmaoWeeee.. i'm still not tired yet even though it's 1156 now.. RAWRR! I think i wanna count down till 12am.. to kill time.. ha
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 11:41 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
aww.. its just so sad.. today was the last day of sch
& we all wun be in the same class nxt yr i guess..
prize giving was boring sia.. my legs had pins and needles somemore
And i had to keep making way for teachers and students, cos i was apparently sitted where i was blocking the passage way sia..-.-
After prize giving was cleaning of the classroom
i didnt really help much, just clean my own table and chair
zr especially helpful eh.. helped to clean other ppl's chair & table as welloh yes & benjamin was retarded.. he filled up the balloon with water [in a pai]l used to wash the classroom.. then the balloon had a tiny hole & he went asking ppl for tape to tape up the hole.
lols ahh.. the ballon suddenly burst.. HAHAHAHAHA.very funny. his seat and table all became wet..
okok.. sry for this abrupt ending cos i need to shut down com le.. bbLabels: last day of school..D:
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:31 PM
woahmy bro today went for outing & brought back fishes..2 were goldfish.. & the other 5 i dunno what type are theysad sia.. the 2 goldfishes died...rawr.. so they were flushed down the toilet by me.. [& now i'm feeling so disgusted]the 5 fishes managed to survive cos i think they are from long gao [drain] dethey are not as fragile as goldfishesanws.. blogging is boring now& i'm oso too lazy to update..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:08 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wahh!!!dipping guava in curry is damn shiok sia..!! very parents think i'm weird.. but its really yummyanw.. the food that u eat goes into ur stomach & becomes digestedso its like making rojak.. then eating ithahas.. no lah. jkjkoh yah.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA!!sry i forgot its ur bday today.. lols
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 2:53 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
ALONE AT HOME..Msn-ning duh..
mengling says:im specialLuCaS says:huh ml u promoted special ahHorrorstrikes says:join th expressionsmengling says:exp to specialmengling says:ya lah`-MINGZHEN[明珍] says:i'm hcl(:LuCaS says:din expect itLuCaS says:lolmengling says:sec1 to 2mengling says:then now specialmengling says:wthLuCaS says:finally ml is specialmengling says:wats th pb with you huh?haha.. damn lame sia.. & take a look at this one-
mengling says:adel make sure that when we go esplanade i dont get raped by herHorrorstrikes says:she sing darn loud & airy!!!`-MINGZHEN[明珍] says:she everytime like wan to squeeze in front demengling says:or molested oso -[@][D][e][!][y][N][n]- says: lol`-MINGZHEN[明珍] says:hahahaha call policemengling says:protect me -[@][D][e][!][y][N][n]- says:she nearly raped me oncemengling says:assaultok bye
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 10:33 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008

haha some random photos..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:15 PM
OMG!!I failed maths..!!yes now u noe how noob i amat first about half the class failedso mdm hee closed one eyeand only 15 failed.."not gd enough" she closed both eyes.. & very tightly summore.. hahaSo about a dozen failed.. & i had to be one of themFREAK!!Anw, this was wad she said exactly..ok its not really exact.. but more or less the same bahs..I seriously need maths tuition nowcos i will die next yr when doing A mathsStruggle like siao sia..Ahh.. I'm so depressed now......someone help me..Labels: Depression..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:03 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I just realised i have this bad habbit of rubbing my nose when i'm guilty of sumthing.. hahaI dunno why.><aww..tmr have to go back to school. Sad mann.. & the post exam activity is skipping!!!???!!!!OMG! Why did they have to make it skipping??? I'll rather skip away from school eh& we have to pay $2.20RAWRR!!
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:58 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008

I think me & my bro are too deprived of playing badminton
When my parents went out we even grabbed the chance & played in the living room
while playing halfway the shuttle cork flew out of the window
Gd thing there wasnt any cursing & swearing from the 1st level
or else we would be in deep s***
So i went down to pick up the shuttle cork
My bro didnt want to go pick it up cos he said i was the one dat made it flew out of the window -.-"Grrrr..
the inconsiderate neighbours upstairs keep slamming the door
or maybe it could be the wind..
Anw i think i wanna censor my blog..
but on second thoughts maybe i shldnt..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:45 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
my poor right hand is uber numb
i cant feel a thing cos i went down to play badminton wif my bro & lilian
My bro is so *@^@$&$%$$@#%
he threw the badminton racket just to hit the shuttle cork
er.. & it flew into the bushes where there were ants & snails & other insects
he went in & felt so disgusted
lolsNOT FAIR!!!
i like lilian's sony ericsson w760i
very cool:)
i oso wanna get one..Awww..
anw thks yew rong for inviting me to ur house yesterday!!!
hahas.. i still remembered adeline,
yew rong's cousin >.<
oh yess..!!!
i'm having sushi for dinner
& more & more sushi
thks to my mum
who is such a great cookwah
yea u noe..
i'm facebooking again
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 7:39 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
morning ppl
just woke up..
& straight away i cheonged to the com
my stupid bro dun want let me use the laptop com
say he come first.. blah blah blah
so annoying
so had to use the lousy com @ home
oops.. actually its not lousy
sry com..
i wanna spam faceboook..
its a wonder that i'm still not addicted to facebook,
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:36 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Apparently I'm facebooking everyday manso of course i'm gonna get bored soonjh suggested i shld play maplebut it takes 2 hrs to i try playing it??ok..maybe another time.It's 11+pmso it will load finish @ about 1 am& my parents obviously wun allow me to stay up his late duh.Parents will always be parents..Oh eyeballs feel like popping outI think i played too much combut i only played a mere 1 blog is deadcos no one's been tagging for quite a whileexcept for me updating itso this blog isnt really dead....yetWee.. tmrw's yew rong's bdayso i'll take tmrw as today&..HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEW RONG!!! XD
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 11:07 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Omg finallly SA2 is over..
& thank gdness i made it thru
i'm gonna get so hyperactive
jumping up & down..orh..
spamming com now
omg i have so many request on facebook
sien leh..
guess the sketch is not really fun anymore
can someone suggest new & fun games to me..?
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 11:00 AM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oh bother..the com hanged twicestupid comrawr..trying to update the blog when it hangedAnw.. i crapped up mathsso i'm very pissed offcos i'm definitely gonna failno hope& dun remind me anything about maths examor anything else related to mathsyeah..i'm so dead nowbishh..I wanna retake mathsIf i can..ok bye
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 7:24 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 12:22 PM