hahaha.. koped from jesslynn's blog.. TSUBASA!! The one where we sang at esplanade. tgt with tkss band and other combined sch choirs. very nice. must watch..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 9:21 PM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
lols.. thursday's choir practice was like s*** one word: disastrous. yep.. even ms lim walked out on us. Wow.. the starting of pre-syf syndrome. it was really like sai lor.. ppl kept going sharper and sharper sia.. until the poor sop ones cant reach.. i screamed until no voice came out.. lol
so today had choir workshop at hwa chong... heng today we manage to pull through.. and got a gold, which was totally unbelievable. we were like.. "WHAT??!!"
dots.. and i'm having this conversation on msn.. very lols sia lolness.. hahaha
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 4:00 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
yo ppl.. came back from malaysia today. Watched madagasca 2.. quite funny, but not as funny as the 1st episode. And later watched another movie.. which i forgot the title. Very boring ah that show.. suddenly ppl shoot at each other for no reason. & the plot of the story is so confusing.. dun really like that movie. I even nearly slept in the cinema. My mum was so bored that she even went to sleep.
Then later went to buy a blouse for myself.. very cheap sia.. only 9.9.RM.. which is about $4 plus only.
ok.. tmr have choir.. & i'm so tired now.. but i dunno why i'm still blogging. Anw, mamayog.. here i come!! adieu ppl><
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 12:04 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yesterday's rehearsal and performance was so looong.. During our breaks i was nearly bored to death, until i decided to hide behind the door & scare ppl who opened it lols.. managed to scare ONE person nia..
haiz.. ok i shall not go into details. I didnt realise who egyptian was.. until yew rong and ml told me again.. gosh.. i'm super blur hahaha.. she really look like egyptian sia
Then later we had to put make up for the actual performance.. i forgot to borrow from my mum.. ga so borrowed from yew rong.. the female's toilet was so damn crowded.. so had no choice but to go male's toilet lol.. there was no one in male's toilet.. gd thing.
AND finally, i want to learn how to play the drum!!
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:40 PM
BLOG QUIZ Tagged by shermin, my pri sch classmate XD
[Here are the rules. Must follow them.] 1. Each blogger must post these rules. 2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write about their own blog, their ten things, and post these rules. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them comments, telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.
Can i dun follow ALL the rules? Cos i dun want to tag others. ><
The 10 random facts/habits about myself:
Fact #1: I like playing piano... Cos its so fun?? ;X
Fact #2: I want to get top 10 in class next year.. WOW.
Habit/Fact #3: I always peel off my fingernails when they chip.. [didnt i say this before..?] .. & sometimes they bleed..
Habit/Fact #4: Day dreaming keeps my mind awake. LOLS
Fact #5: I hope to go cliff diving.. [I want to feel the thrill of dropping downwards at 100kmph?] See? I'm so ambitious
Fact #6: I usually laugh until my whole face turns red.. lols
Habit/Fact #7: I love reading.. :) It makes one wiser
Fact #8: I find facebook a bit boring. Dots.. this is obviously a fact
Fact #9: I'm wondering why shemin tagged me to do this quiz X.x
Fact #10: I want to learn how to play squash. I like all sorts of sport
Tagging of 10 people: None YAY!! Finally I'm done with the quiz..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:08 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Gosh.. havent been updating.. paisei ah. today went to esplanade for the final rehearal for WISC.. sounds like WHISK.. haaha. fortunately we dun have to put on make up.. i totally hate it anw.. choir is the finale item.. so we'll only be sitting thru the 2nd half when we come in during intermission. and omg.. the tkss band was so damn nice.. i forgot to bring my handphone backstage, so couldnt record. but it was really super nice ^^.. tmr's the fianl final rehearsal & actual performance.. hopefully i can record the sound.. i even had goose bumps, cos it was, umm, too nice already? grrr..
ah yep during lunch i was playing wif a rubber band and i ACCIDENTALLY let it go.. & it smack right in sandra's face.. wth. i'm so so sry.. i rmb last time i went her class then used a pencil and accidently [again] poke her hand.. omg. yes, and there was blood.
lols.. anw i havent memorised mamayog.. yet. We have to memorise it by thurs. arrhh!! supposed to perform for open house. mamayog is nice.. but sop 1 notes keep going higher and higher.lol
just now i went to chinatown to eat dinner.. & i couldnt eat much.. too tired to eat, cos today's rehearsal was about 8hrs long. so i missed out all the gd food. fried dumbling, popiah, claypot rice. aww.. i want to eat now!!
Anyways.. i'm watching channel 8 now. very funny sia.. must watch it!!
ai yo.. there goes my bro again.. pestering me to play x-box wif him =.="
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:02 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
THE DOOM'S DAY FOR MY BRO!! haha.. but he didnt fall into the hands of doom.. fortunately. he got 2[_][_]. did fairly well. & it was quite unexpected too :D go ask him urself.. i'm not telling u if u ask me. anw, he passed the DSA [direct sch admission] & got into the same sch, as well as same CCA as me. lols.. omg.. ahhhh!!! and the freaky thing is that i dreamt about my bro getting in anderson. & the only 2 words i said in my dream were, "oh no!"
OH NO..!! My dream came true.
oh yea havent do quiz frm shermin's blog yet.. sry sry.. cos i need to go now. my bro keeps pestering me to play x-box wif him. lol.
ok so bye;)
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 7:28 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ok.. here is the post as promised.. on mon.. i went for this pri 6B class bbq thing.. waited at cck mrt station @ 11am.. and we left at nearly 11.30am, cos needed to wait for some ppl to buy food stuff, charcoal, drinks.. blah blah blah. Before we even boarded the bus, it started drizzling le.. so took bus 188 to west coast. when we reached there itwas raining quite heavily.. so we went lunch, near west coast park.
lols.. gd thing rain subsided.. then went there and played card games. Then after thatwe played water bomb.. haha kilice didnt want to get wet.. so some of us threw water bombs at her..:D hah. so she was super wet lo. heng i nvr get wet.. i was nearly dry. So later it started raining again. and we went to play in the rain.. lol i became so damn drenched sia, like i was bathing with my clothes on.. so the rain got heavier.. and we took out umbrellas to cover our bags and food on the seats. and we everything there to find shelter
so anyway.. everyone was like running in the rain to the nearest shelter. so waited there until the rain stopped. so meantime i managed to squeeze out about a bucket full of water from my shorts and shirt -.-". haha.. sean even rented a cart and went to cycle in the rain.. lols, he look damn cute sia.. cos the cart look like it was too small for him.. haha.. u shld get wad i mean. renting the cart was very very ex.. $10 for like umm, 30mins??!!!! so shermin took photo of us being drenched in the rain.. sad lahs she wasnt inside the photo.
so rain susided again.. and we could go back to have bbq.. but the pit was very wet. Anws, we still managed to start the fire, but it took a long time. That gary used so many fire starter to start the bbq lors.
yayay.. there was mashmallows.. haha i was the 1st one to cheong for the mashmallows. yay!! and i was the 1st to start bbqing. lol shermin tried bbqing hers at 1st,but failed.. the mashmallows became chao da.. sean oso tried.. then his one caught fire. XD
later at night played a game and if u lost the game.. u had to eat something like otah, potato or corn. hehe i didnt lose at all. Then jing yi called her mum and realized that her phone a bit haywire de.. lol, cos i think she drenched the phone by taking photos in the rain. oh yep so later went home tgt wif jy cos she was down wif a flu.. so din go playground to play wif the others.
anws.. overall it was super ultra fun.. though it was a super ultra wet day.. XP.
haha reached home at nearly 10.30pm.. gd ah my parents din nag at me for coming home so late.
yep bye.. i will post the photos soon. & i'll do shermin's quiz from her blog asap..>.<
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 7:41 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
sry ppl.. havent blogged for a while le.. i will blog in the nxt post.. gtg for dinner bb
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:53 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
WOW. had been runing up and down today..
1st destination: went to funan centre cos my bro was participating in this marigold sudoku thing. Semi-final leh.. but then got "kicked out", so he couldnt go to the finals:(
2nd destination: shopped at mustafa. omg it was so congested. ppl pushing here and there. and i was squashed as usual
3rd destination: went to "The Verge" to see some christmas deco. And then there were the reindeers, made out of chritsmas tree materials.. then me and bro tried to stack them up from the biggest at the bottom and smallest at the top. altogether we stacked up about 5 nia the the store aunty came out and told us to stop playing.. haha then my bro quickly ran away and hid from the aunty. lolz
4th destination: had to go doctor john chiam clinic to get my cleanser.
by then i bui da han already.. so went to sleep in the car.
gawd.. i'm so damn pissed.. stupid lah. cant i answer back?? so what.. everything u oso can have the last say one. sien i'm so annoyed. i dun wanna talk about it anymore.
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 7:49 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! i'm watching tv on channel 8 and i saw darrick and his bro!! Ahhhhhhh.. so gd
bye i shall continue watching tv.
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:03 PM
Hmmm... shld i pon choir nxt mon..?? haha maybe i shld ok wait wait.. i have a reason for poning choir.. lols its not really poning lahs its just dat i have this class 6B gathering [pri sch] and it apparently clashes with choir. haiz.. undecided yet.. i wanna go for this class gathering thing, but i dun think this is a valid reason for not going choir.. & maybe i would even need to face the music if i told the teacher in charge about this. gosh And if i go.. it would probabaly rain.. duh, its the raining season now.
RAWRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm seriously stuck inbetween the rock and the devil [or is it the stone and the devil??]. ahh.. my english sux, u noe
wohoos.. tmr there's gonna be a blackout in the whole of windermere electricity will be cut off from 1-5pm OMG.. so fun sia. But sad lahs, my mum dun want me stay at home.. in case something happened to me. dots. So she ask me go my bro's graduation night tmr. Actually.. my bro's sch dun allow siblings to attend.. strictly only for parents. Zzzzz. But who cares.. i'm gonna gate crash the sch.. haha they wun be able to stop me><> Anws, its not fair.. cos my bro not performing.. i wanted to see him perform so badly. BOOO!! Anyway, change of topic.. Gawd!! the nov bill is like umm.. so freaking ex.. the bill keeps going up.. and now its $170.68. ahh.. mostly thks to me and my bro wasting so much water "Water is precious."
BTW.. me and yew rong was so nice to wait for jin hu after choir.lols cos he had to sing the tenor solo part. Wth, syafinah and kelicia saw us waiting for him.. so they told sebastian to hurry up teach jin hu the song. And sebastian started laughing :%...
Bye.. Dinner's ready. And i'm gonna drool.. soon :P
[some random pics taken during choir today] milimetres showing how long her fingers are.
sandra's gonna fall asleep anytime
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
lols.. went esplanade for choir today gosh.. Had to wake up at 6.45am.. same time as my bro cos he need to go sch, just for this WISC thing =.= lolz very tired leh. and then we need to have this pass to go on stage. Each pass costs $50 [*gasp*] & they even spelt my name wrongly on the pass [pic]
Sops occupying the whole row. Anw.. sandra looks like she's about to kiss banana. lolz
BTW, _______ [inserts name] was super annoying.
haha so then during piano lesson my piano teacher keep tickling me so i could stay awake.. dots.. then she keep poking me too.
ok.. this is a short and sweet post bb
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:24 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Oh holy crap.. i went cycling yesterday.. & my butt hurts like siao. THe seat is so freaking pain.. OMG.. and i'm really begging my parents to change it to a different seat. Somemore i suffered a cut on my left toe and many scratches on my leg as well D: ..ouch!!
ANW, spammer.. spam all u want.. i dun give a damn.. "oh i'm so afraid.. cos i'm gonna die within 15mins sia..!!" lols.. & use ur real name in future, ty. I dun like playing guessing game.. and there are so many spammers too. Ur actions will certainly be appreciated. Anws, dun worry cos i wont reveal ur identity. dots.. this is so.. lol
haha.. crap. ok bb i go eat dinner le XD
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:41 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Aww.. cute little sandy sandra admiring her certificate, looking really elated.. Gosh.. i'm so voiceless now-.-", partially thks to choir..Anw, we learnt one of the syf pieces, and the tune is freaking weird.. :X
YAYAY, so after choir invited sandra, yew rong and jin hu to have a feast at my house!! lol, bj was supposed to come too, but he went out with some ppl.
LUnch was japanese food.. shiok..! Anw, i think its gonna be jin hu's 1st & last time trying wasabi. damn funny sia, his reaction, like beetroot face.lololrawr, sandra warned me she's gonna trash my house, and she really did it, together with jin hu and yew rong.. WTH my violin became a toy, and it was raped too.. my poor violin..So, not fair, they all got forced me to play my diploma songs. Haiz., and they even recoreded the WHOLE song.. :# Dots.. anw later yew rong played romba toccata, very nice.
After 30 mins of trashing my house.. we went to play billard..HAHAHAHA.. i owned sandy sandra in 1st round sia!;D lol but she owned me 2nd round.blahs, not bad for a 1st timer. Billard-ing was super super crazy.Sandy sandra chased jin hu around the whole room to get her phone back from jh, cos she took photo of him. OMG!! _______ [inserts name] is gonna be so jealous!Wah, anw i nearly lost my voice again.. :P
HOho! shepherd's pie was nice. super nice in fact.yew rong so badly wanted to dapao some home. ha
So it was awesome.. and my legs are very suan le Overall it was so freaking fun..!! And crazy too:DDD
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 11:29 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
stupid bro.. always wanting to snatch com with me so annoying sia.
Haha.. just now did O level english.. wow.. & didnt expect it to be so tough, even the vocab's like siao.
phew.. finally managed to fling my bro off.. he's forced to practice piano.. orbiquak Anw, i help my mum to set & do up the christmas tree.. i tot it was super early for christmas
Boredom.. it gonna kill me soon!! [if i'm staying @ home for the whole holiday, which is impossible] someone think of something for me to do..
Gosh.. my super duper annoying bro took my handphone. WTH!! & i have this gut feeling he's gonna drain the battery.. like last time
bye.. i'm going to 'hantam' my bro le
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 4:34 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
HEllo ppl.. just came back from cause way point..XD went there to eat b.k for tea.. ZOMG & one meal cost like, uh, $8++ ??!! haha.. when my mum saw the recipt her eye balls nearly pop out of her sockets. lols duh.. anw too sad dis year dun have class chalet. too messy le, i suppose, like last year?
Wahhh... *^$!&%$I^%#^.. i'm felling so damn dizzy. & my stomach hurts like siao.. not joking.. oks *breathe...!!
[a while later] ahh.. feeling a bit better.. hehe not really headache le :) See?? Breathing deeply works. for me.. ha
bye.. i go eat dinner le
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:14 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wheeeee... piano lesson just ended...XDXDXD!! OMG i kept irritating my piano teacher sia.. very fun to irritate her.. haha, i'm so mean..
Wahpiang theory so tough de..D; plus i have to do somemore theory homework. lols. ARHH!! nvm now i'm cheonging com.. to SPAM FACEBOOK!! I shall do my theory homework another day.. too lazy. Anw.. all tags replied.. finally.
OH man.. still gt homework to do.. & i'm too lazy to do them.. especially maths. ... ... ...
Anw, so, my subject combination is D1.. Yes its 7 subject indeed.. but i'm also taking music elec.. so it totals up to 8 subjects altogether, like one of my friend.. also took the same as me, in another school. yeah.. so dun look down on those who take 7 sub.. it doesnt make one less capable..
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 5:33 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
HELLOS!! haha during breakfast some days ago, i tried dipping the famous amos cookie into orange juice.. weeee.. lol & yew rong thinks i'm gross..? XD Well, it didnt taste as well compared to the guava being dipped into curry last time [ages ago i guess], cos the cookie didnt absorb the orange juice & there was like, only a layer of orange juice coated around the cookie. Yes i noe i'm a freaking weirdo. RAWR!
Goshh..!! i spent so long finding & changing the stupid blog skin sia.. haiz, & ml thinks its so yellow.. =.=". Fine..
OH yes ah today i could wake up later cos my family wanted to go to a different church @ bukit batok, which is nearer my house.
ok bye i'm going cycling now. [Yess.. on my badly rusted bike which havent been used for ages]
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 3:13 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Woahs.. its 1st nov.. gonna be the end of 2008 le i've a feeling that time passed faster than last yr sia D:, & i dun really look forward to nxt yr.
Anws, i went to my ah ma's house & gave my & my bro $10 each..!! oh yeah!! NOw i've $10 more for my savings. Woot. oh & while going to my ah ma's house there was an accident involving a car & truck & i witnessed it. yea yeah i noe i have sharp eyesight duh..-.-
so... obviously i'm facebooking AGAIN.
Haha.. fianlly managed to find a fun game to play on facebook.
blah blah..[dot dot dot??]
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 4:56 PM
An ASSnian
Member of ACDC
Likes everything almost everything