Friday, January 9, 2009

OH MY TIAN AH!! Paisei i havent been updating this blog
RAWR.. i 'm still in camp mood. and i'm starting to feel camp sick. i'm really missing the instructors.
cos they are all so crazy and weird. esp wayne
anw so, on wed our group had ice breaking.. then later went to campsite, wasnt really fun at all the 1st day, quite boring.. AND OH YAH!! The toilet was so freaking gross. It was flooded and like the drains were choked!!!??? walao. ANW i couldnt sleep at night cos of the soo super noisy aeroplanes, nut after a while, [umm, 2hrs later?], i got used to the noise le.. and i slept for 3 hrs nia!!
Thurs: ZOMG this is the most fun day in my life. Woke up at 5AM.. did some morning exercise.. its so redundant sia.. the morning exercises made me even more sleepy.. -.-"'
So anw after breakfast had improvised rafting, which was our 1st station. AND ITS SO NOT FAIR LAAAAHH!!! We didnt get to test out the raft we made, due to time constrain.. WTH!! spent so much time tying the knots like siao.. next was dragon boating :DDD. Tried it b4.. and the nice but dirty part was that we had to put on our shoes and socks and go into the sea!! lol.
End result: smelly shoes and really really really very smelly socks. OH and we had a dragon boat race with 3/1.. sian no one won.. it was a draw .__.
Then had lunch.. and next was the high elements. THE walking on the log thing [about 3 storeys high?] was so damn easy.. AS EASY AS SINGING SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!! HAHhahahaah. so the instructor told me to make a u-turn and do the log thing again, but this time without holding on to the rope.. Wah piang eh.. of course will fall sia, and true enough........
so fater that went to do another high element thing. O.o and timothy was so funny!! ahahah. ZOMG!! too funny to be explained.. :X
then oh.. i was chosen to do flying fox.. 4 storeys high nia!! Not scary.But it was quite fun.. my 1st time trying it.
Showered [and the toilet was more flooded then ever].. then had dinner after that.. plus campfire prep.. wah too tired to concentrate.
Too lazy to tell about campfire.. so nvm
Fri: Packing up.. and the great thing was that our group and 3/1 were to wash the toilet!! YAYAYAAYAYAY.. eh i'm not kidding leh.. its fun washing toilet =.=
Scrub here scrub there scrub everywhere.. AND millipides are disgusting.
So later had class photo tgt with instructors.. OMG i pity poor instructor wayne.. kenna chased and taupok by some of the guys in our class.. and splashed with cold water. AHAHA!! orbiquek! SO time for revenge for wayne.
He made the whole class sit still while he went to take the water hose.. AND SO HE SPRAYED THE WHOLE CLASS WITH WATER.. HAHAa.. it was somewhat like "wayne-ing" [raining..]......
Then headed back back to sch..
HOHOHOOHHO.. still missing camp leh..
bye bye
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:51 PM