Friday, May 29, 2009
Class banner
Class photo at ycks
HOHOHO!! Its the last day of term 2!!
OH and sports day was so freaking fun. [Ranjitha!! Where were u? U missed all the fun during sports carnival!! ;X] Anw, after sch went to some kind of restaurant near amk mrt with lorraine and some of her friends. ZOMG and the food there is like super super ex. 1 plate of fried rice costs $6.90 [round off to $7]. This shall be my 1st and last time going there again. And i dun think the fried rice was exceptionally good. It tasted like normal fried rice.
Therefore $7 for a plate of fried rice isnt Back to history stuff.
So after lunch went to ycks. By the time we were there, many ppl had alr hung up their banners. And i must say thank u to all those ppl who put in so much effort in designing and painting the class banner :D:D:D I think our class banner is quite cool :). I love the white, little man. Super cute.
Oh and we got 3rd for class relay!!! YAY!! I was the 1st runner and i was so nervous and thought i was going to have leg cramp. lol.
Push ball was so LOL!! 3/2 was competing against 3/3. After around 30mins, the score was still 0-0.. wth, but in the end 3/3 won.
Then there was this cca relay thing, and i was the 1st runner again. My energy had totally been drained thanks to the cheering and running the class relay. Even my bro said he could tell that i was super exhausted from the way i ran during the cca relay. Oh but the good thing was, choir got 6th out of 8th position in the relay. WE DIDNT GET THE LAST POSITION!!! WOOHOO XD.
It was certainly a tough fight.
Then the finale was THE STAFF RELAY!! rawr i cant believe mr wfk could run soo fast sia. Mr ttw ran 2 steps and fell o.o. Mr pcl nearly stumbled and fell too. HAHA. In the end the science department came in 1st, thanks to wfk.
Oh and i left my name tag on the class banner. So did lorraine. Hope that some kind soul would keep it for us.
Went home with my bro. The train was super crowded and many andersonians were on the train too.
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:43 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Today was such a LOL day. After tuition, my parents somewhat realized they lost the house key. Searched high and low, but still couldnt find it. Then had to call the locksmith to break open the door to get in. Paid about $220 for opening the door and changing the lock in case someone had found our house key and tried to break in. Then my mum found out that the key was in one a plastic bag...
$220 wasted...
Oh yes and choir party was fun ytd.. there were a lot of left over food.. haha i only dapao-ed chipster and some gummies and it was fun playing and whacking ppl with balloons. MAny seniors and teachers came. MS lim came too and mrs poh came at around 9+pm.
I did well all thanks to ME!!!!lol.. and that wasnt said by me.
Anyway, i'll post the pics some other time :]
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:52 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've no mood for blogging. I hate my results. Why cant i be as brilliant as everyone else?
I think my L1R5 is gonna be above 30 and i'm so going to have to meet the form teacher. D-I-E.
Oh, and ytd choir was, lol. Bj is forever contradicting himself. Learnt new song.. called suriram. The song's rather easy, and sops finish learning the song in like, 1 hr? >.< After choir went to hoshi(?) to celebrate my dad's birthday (which is today) Ate until i was so full and i nearly couldnt walk Anyway, there's choir party later.. yay!! :P
And fancy a drink anyone? It's mixed with noodles, prawns, vegetables, rice, lime, tgt with grape, lychee and peach juice. 0.0

I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 12:59 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
YEESSSSS!!! ITS ALL OVER!! SA1 is finally over!! Last paper was today and i think i screwed it up. Anyway, today had inter class games.. YAY 3/2 made it to the finals for push ball.. gratz xP.
After games had this movie screening on stalin.. its quite interesting yet boring at the same time.
Actually, i like the way how stalin rule.. HAHAHAAH.
So after sch had to go yck stadium to run 100m... haiz got 4th place.. Nvm, there's always a next time. And congrats to everyone who ran today.
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 8:23 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Back from amk hub.. everyone's finished their exams.. except for me. There's still ONE more paper to go, music elective, which is nxt tues.
Before going amk hub, i went to lorraine's house.. its freaking nice.. i loved playing with her hamsters. Its a good thing they dun bite.
Then went amk hub with lorraine to meet natalie and her cousin.. went for lunch.. then watched angel and demons. The show is kinda nice, and rather interesting.. Saw gladwin, mz, sm, qh, and one of my music elective friend (forgot her name). After watching movie we went to shop, but i didnt buy anything, coz i 'm saving money :P
Went home.. took the train which terminated at yishun.. its rather empty

I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:11 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Went for tuition just now.. and it was fun taking the LRT. MY mum and i were trying to get to ten mile junction, to the tuition centre, and we kept boarding the wrong train cos we didnt know which LRT leads to ten mile junction.
Ended up boarding and alighting from the LRT about 5 times. Its fun, coz its like playing amazing race where we had to keep running up and down.. until my mum gave up on "playing the amazing race" and asked someone how to go about to ten mile junction. So ended up being late for tuition and the teacher thought i wouldnt be coming.. then after tuition my mum realized that her shoes had broken... Maybe its thks to the running before tuition.
Anw, ss and chem papers are finally over. So much to memorize for ss and chem that i nearly exploded (literally).
o.o its mothers' day today. Speaking about mothers' day, i havent gotten anything for my mum yet. Maybe i should consider getting a new pair of shoes for her. :P
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 4:30 PM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Exams.. exams and more exams.. horrible
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 3:23 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
WAhhhhhh!!!I have 11 rashes on my left leg and 6 rashes on my right leg. GAWR!! Its super itchy. It all started during chem prctical yesterday...Maybe i'm allergic to chemicals. O_O
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:48 PM