Saturday, September 26, 2009
I dont feel like blogging somehow.
Anw, yesterday had ONE hour recess:D
During recess the pipe burst at the field ._.
Went to field to play. ONE hour of recess was fun. But sadly, there was no CI. Hope to have 1 hour recess everyday.
WOOHOO and yesterday's chem tuition was cancelled XDXDXD, so could listen to 987's top 20 countdown.
I gotta feeling by b.e.p is finally kicked out of 1st place.
Someone pls help me do my homework. I dont feel like doing them. 5 more days to SA2 O.o
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 2:56 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
No more 7th month. No more burning. No more pollution.
Had 2nd chem tuition class ytd. Seems like one of the girls was from my pri sch. Cant comfirm yet.
And choinged home to listen to top 20 songs. WOOHHH. "i gotta feeling" by b.e.p. has been top for 3 weeks. so cool.
So, a lot of hw, especially end-of-yr papers. 13 more days to SA2. Sigh.
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 4:12 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
oral was ______. I'm dead. It was quite difficult. Anw i realized mrs goh is quite blur. But she's a nice teacher. HAAHA.
That person is super irritating man. OK lets call that person "X". So X keeps calling me and i was so fed up. When X called again, i passed my phone to my mum and she spoke to that person. Should have told my mum to give X a piece of my mind...
bye. its dinner time
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 6:58 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
"Happy september holidays."
Yeah right, when there's so much holiday homework and SA2 is in T4w3. So, there's no enjoying of this holiday.
Oh and on mon i'm going to teach jh's sis piano again. Cant wait to see how much she's improved:)
Report slip was out ytd. Improved by a tiny weeny little bit compared to SA1. Haiz. Still, there WAS improved at least. So, this september holiday is for me to buck up and do revision. Dont think i'm such a nerd. I'M NOT. And i will NEVER be one.
Hey haha i realized blogger is unscrewed, after for like 1 mnth?? lol
tada. bye
I'm nobody- nobody's perfect 1:26 PM